I’ve always had a warrior spirit. Resiliency to handle what comes my way, collective training (a team sport or movement with a group), peaceful confidence, always for the greater good of all. I’m obsessed with the nervous system, psychology, breathing, nature, and collective experiences. My sessions for people revolve around most or all of these things.

In 2017, I started learning Aikido, an energy flow based martial art that trains body and also sword work. A warrior’s dream! Continuously honing the power and creativity of mind and body through a variety of challenge is what makes a resilient, happy brain. Play allows us to be more ourselves than anything else in our lives.

These days we can use all the resiliency we can get to adapt with our life stressors; predicted (work, home, relationships) and unpredictable (weather, economy, laptop randomly dying).

This is where training and activities to be as prepared as possible come in. 

MotherRuckers NC was born from a need for more collective sharing, education, fun, and gathering for humans in their adventure of life that focuses on what is ACTUALLY needed right now to be more emotionally regulated, happier, confident, and purposeful: enjoyable movement, nature, conscious living, and mental health support.

Being a business owner or parent is signing up for the unknown. Yes, there is much you can predict and control, but there is still a lot you can not. It is also a requirement that you wear many hats!

The highly transformational time of becoming parents, are not held as sacred as they should be in our culture, thus, we see high rates of physical complications (gestational diabetes, hypertension, pain), mental health disorders, unasked for interventions (forceps, vacuum, c-sections), and worse, death. 

It’s a dark truth for us Americans, obesity is up to about 60% and numerous studies predict our maternal mortality is around 17.4 per 100,000 births. That ranks the U.S. 55th in the world, last in the top 10 wealthiest countries. A country that spends the most on “health” care, has the highest rate of women dying in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, most of which, experts say are preventable.

Hypertension, obesity and diabetes can be supported, even alleviated, with purposeful exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Though there are so many options to be “healthy”, it can be overwhelming if not down right defeating! Hiring a professional or joining a professionally led group to help sort through the fluff is imperative to doing what is effective for YOUR body and life.

In children, we’re seeing an extreme rise in obesity, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and general stress. Especially with virtual schools and the rise of video games/screen time, kid’s aren’t receiving the vital stimulation from group play.

I know this is a grim portrait of the health of families, but it’s the foundational spark to my fire. We must know the dark to know the light. The health of our entire nation is in the hands of each community of professionals. Government, doctors, nor the internet, is going to do anything to help the individuals we call neighbors, it is up to individuals to be the change!

My Stats & Facts

Presentations I’m most proud of

Burn Poway pre & postnatal coaching workshop 2020
DONA 2019 International Summit on ‘Birth Worker Body Mechanics and Strength’
General Atomics Employee Wellness Snack N’ Learns
DONA 2018 International Summit on ‘Birth Worker Body Mechanics and Strength’
PMADs 101 with Beth Warren for Postpartum Health Alliance San Diego 2019
Day of Advocacy: Maternal Mental Health 2018 by UCSD Engineering Students

Continuing Education/Certifications

CPR/AED for adults, kids, & infants – current
Crossfit Level 1
Re-Thinking Movement 2019 by Movement Reborn & Kokoro Movement
Jill Miller’s Yoga Tune-Up Teacher Certification (70 hours) 2019
Integrated Kinetic Neurology Course 2018
Postpartum Health Alliance PMADs (Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders) Training
Julie Wiebe Online Training Modules (1-7)
APPPAH 2018 Congress

Past Community Involvement

San Diego Birth Network Member
Postpartum Health Alliance Member
2018 Postpartum Health Alliance Board Member
Volunteer at the 2018 APPPAH Congress
Most-Fit Ambassador
MOMs Ambassador